القائمة الرئيسية


Is it permissible to read the Qur'an without a hijab ?

Rulings of the Qur'an and Hijab 

There is no explicit evidence that a woman should wear the hijab when reciting the Holy Quran, but it is desirable for a woman to wear the hijab when reading the Holy Quran politely with the words of Allaah.it is permissible for a woman to read the Holy Quran without a hijab, and she should not wear the hijab to read the Quran. wearing the hijab when reciting the Holy Quran is considered an adornment spoken of by the predecessor, and hijab is better and more complete for decoration. wearing the hijab when reciting the Holy Quran is not a heresy, but it is permissible. rather, a heresy occurs if the hijab is worn when reciting the Holy Quran with the intention of worship.

It is said that the companion Anas ibn Malik (may Allaah be pleased with him) was wearing his best and adorned when he wanted to happen with a Hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and we have a good example in them, so the Muslim tries to follow them and do like their deeds.

  ? Is it permissible to prostrate recitation without hijab 

There are many opinions of scholars regarding the ruling on prostrating recitation without a veil.some scholars have argued that prostrating recitation should be considered as the ruling on prayer. it is permissible for a woman to wear a veil when performing a prostration. some scholars have argued that prostrating recitation should not be considered as the ruling on prayer. they did not stipulate that it is permissible for a woman to prostrate recitation without a veil, but it is advisable for a woman to wear a veil when performing a prostration as a departure from Discord.

The majority of scholars from the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, and hanbalis went on to require the conditions of prayer to perform prostration recitation, including purity of the two smaller and larger events, the reception of the kiss, the cover of the awrah, the purity of the place of prayer, the purity of the body and clothing, and Takbeer ihram and then prostrate some scholars have argued that purity is not required when performing prostration such as: Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allaah have mercy on him), for he did not consider prostration as the same as prayer.

If a person prostrates before the completion of the prostration verse, even with one letter, his prostration is not valid, because he prostrates before the entry of the time of prostration, and prayer is not valid before the entry of the time of prayer, then the prostration of the recitation takes the provisions of prayer in that; it is not valid before the entry of the time of prostration.

Quran reading etiquette

It is desirable to read the Holy Quran at all times of the night and day; to gain the satisfaction of Allaah and win his commission, and to read the Holy Quran many manners, among which we mention the following: devotion to God-Almighty-alone; the reader of the Holy Quran must mean to read the Holy Quran to gain the satisfaction of Allaah - - And they were commanded only to worship Allah, to be faithful to him, to pray and to pay zakaah, and that is the religion of value.


If he reads the Holy Quran without light, it is permissible by the consensus of the scholars of the Ummah, and he will not have committed something hateful, but he violated the best and the first by reading the Holy Quran without light.


It is desirable for the reciter of the Holy Quran to clean his mouth with a toothpick, or brush and paste before reading the Holy Qur'an, so that the smell of the mouth becomes good, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about the sawak that: (sanitizing the mouth, pleasing to the Lord), and because the Angels listen and approach the reader of the Quran.

Cleanliness of the place where the Muslim wants to read the Holy Quran

It is permissible to read the Holy Quran on the road, on the departed, and other means of transportation, if the reader is not preoccupied with what is around him than reading the Holy Quran.

Direction for Qibla

It is desirable for the reciter of the Holy Quran to go to the Qibla when reading the Holy Quran, and sit with reverence, reverence, peace and quiet, even if he is standing or lying on his side or in his bed, it is permissible, but his reward is greater when sitting and receiving the Qibla.

Istiza basmala

It is desirable for the reader of the Qur'an to seek help from Allah (exalted) from Satan (exalted) before beginning to recite the Qur'an, he says: "seek refuge from Allah (exalted) from Satan (exalted)", for he says: (exalted): (if you read the Qur'an, seek refuge from Allah (exalted) from Satan (exalted).


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite the Holy Qur'an in hymns, because it is most influential in the soul and heart of the believer, and reverence and respect for the Holy Qur'an, so the reader ponders the verses and thinks about their meanings, and asks for mercy and forgiveness from Allah when standing on the signs of mercy, and he seeks refuge and relief from the torment of fire and its intensity when standing on the signs of torment.

Reverence when reading the Holy Quran

The reciter of the Qur'an must be devoted to Allah, may he be exalted, and ponder the verses of the Qur'an, for the salafs were contemplating the verses of the Qur'an so that they would repeat the verse more than once and twice so that fear of Allah would increase in their hearts, and some of them said that he had a seal of the Qur'an every week, every month, every year, and every thirty years, and that is according to his management of the Qur'an.

Mantras of the Holy Quran

It is not intended to sing the Holy Quran to a musical tone or a certain tone, this is not permissible, but rather to sing the Holy Quran, that is, to improve the sound when reading the Holy Quran, taking into account the provisions of Tajweed without intonation or intonation in the reading of the Holy Quran, and it is desirable for the reader to cry when reading the Holy Quran, for Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (Allah has not authorized something for a prophet to sing the Quran).

Choosing the right time to read the Holy Quran

Far from reading at times of preoccupation with food, drink, drowsiness, or preoccupation of the heart with worldly matters, it is preferable for the reader to read the Holy Quran at the time of his activity and strength.

It is desirable for the reciter of the Qur'an to recite it at times of manifestation of Allaah to his servants and at the best of times, such as the last third of the night; it is the time of magic, and then comes the time of night, then the time of Dawn, then the time of morning, and then the rest of the day.

Continue to read the Holy Quran and do not interrupt the reading except for an emergency necessity and a severe contraindication that entails cutting the recitation.

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تعليق واحد
إرسال تعليق

إرسال تعليق

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